A success case is Provence dressings, where we are in the process of exporting them to WM Central America.
At TAM, we identify the needs of companies through a two-step process. First, we conduct a viability diagnosis. Second, based on the results of this diagnosis, we collaborate with TAM to review the company's objectives. TAM then acts as a dedicated marketing and administrative department for the companies, enabling them to avoid incurring high operational costs and entrusting us with the following functions:
We advise, train and act as the commercialization and administration department for the companies, in which its main objective is that the company does not incur in increasing operative costs and that it dedicates itself to produce properly and on time; and leave in our hands the following functions:
We have installations where the client, at any moment can solicit consulting, training and follow up of the results of their product.
price, brands, position of the competition in the different channels.
Central area of the country (sales concentration of 60 to 80% )
Identification of the market segments
where the product may be attractive, retail, wholesale, convenient, others.
We need the client to provide us
with the following: samples, Price list, catalogues, so that we are able to know the product.
Sales reports and the advances are given biweekly or monthly, so as to revise them at meetings with the client and to make decisions to better the work and expansion plans.