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TAM consulting,

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TAM consulting,

get closer to your customers.

TAM was formed because its founders identified that the Mexican companies , above all the small and medium size companies (PYMES), knew how to produce, had excellent projects to develop their products, but they do not know how to get to the final consumers.

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TAM reviews the different characteristics of SME products to identify opportunities in channels such as Retail. Through consultations and diagnostics, the company can gain a clearer vision of how to sell its products.

¿What are our services?

a) Product and market

First Stage:

Catalogue the product

b) Product and market

Second Stage:

Position the product

c) Distribution

Third stage:

Supply Chain and feedback

d) Feedback

with the client

Success cases

Success cases

With TAM the companies known as small and medium size companies have an ally to be present in the national market, look for expansion but above all be a generator of richness for the country. TAM leads them to achieve their consolidation.